Feasibility and Efficacy of Life Review Delivered by Virtually-Trained Family Caregivers

TitleFeasibility and Efficacy of Life Review Delivered by Virtually-Trained Family Caregivers
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsMiyawaki CE, McClellan A, Bouldin ED, Brohard C, Spencer H, Tahija N, Kunik ME
JournalJ Alzheimers Dis
Date Published2023
KeywordsAged, Aged, 80 and over, Alzheimer Disease, Caregiver Burden, caregivers, dementia, Feasibility Studies, Female, Humans, Male

BACKGROUND: Due to the high prevalence of depressive symptoms and Alzheimer's disease and related dementias in older Americans (≥65 years), we developed a six-week depression intervention, Caregiver-Provided Life Review (C-PLR) for care recipients (CRs) with early-stage dementia and mild depression.

OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to examine the feasibility and efficacy of C-PLR delivered by virtually-trained caregivers (CGs) on CRs who live with dementia and depression in community and long-term care settings (N = 25 CG-CR dyads).

METHODS: We used fidelity scores as a measure of CG's feasibility to provide C-PLR. We collected the pre- and post-measures on CRs' depression (primary outcome), life satisfaction, CGs' burden, positive aspects of caregiving, and CG-CR relationship quality (secondary outcomes) and compared them using paired t-tests. We evaluated if the effect differed by race/ethnicity, residential setting, or living alone.

RESULTS: The average fidelity check-in score was 14.8±0.78 indicating high feasibility. CGs were 52 years old (mean), 88% female, 64% working, 72% college-educated, and 72% in good-excellent health. CRs were 81 years old (mean), 84% female, and 56% in poor-fair health. CRs' depression significantly improved (p < 0.001), and this effect was found in CRs who were Asian (p = 0.017), White (p = 0.040), community-dwelling (p < 0.001), lived alone (p = 0.045), or with others (p = 0.002).

CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated that the C-PLR can be successfully taught to CGs virtually and is effective in reducing CR's depressive symptoms. C-PLR could be implemented more broadly to improve symptoms among CRs in community and residential settings, as well as among a diverse population of CRs.

Alternate JournalJ Alzheimers Dis
PubMed ID37545241
Grant ListR24 AG063718 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States