Research on Care Needs and Supportive Approaches for Persons with Dementia

TitleResearch on Care Needs and Supportive Approaches for Persons with Dementia
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsShuman SB, Hughes S, Wiener JM, Gould E
Series TitleResearch Summit on Dementia Care- Building Evidence for Services and Supports
Date Published03/2017
InstitutionRTI International
Place PublishedNorth America
TypeBackground Paper

More than 5 million Americans have dementia, and the number of people with Alzheimer's disease, the most common cause of dementia, is projected to increase to 13.8 million by 2050 (Hebert et al., 2013 ; National Institute on Aging [NIA], 2016 ). As the disease progresses, individuals with dementia become more dependent on others for assistance with daily activities. Ultimately, in advanced dementia, people with the disease need assistance with basic tasks, such as eating. People with dementia receive care from paid and unpaid caregivers, in some cases relying on public and private programs. This paper focuses on research related to care and support for people with dementia.
